Sunday, July 15, 2012

Round Five

Round Five (July 15-22nd)

-You MUST timestamp your entry photo. No timestamp, no vote. You only have to timestamp your completed dish photo, not multiple photos if you’re posting a set.
-The more photos you post, the better! We want to see your cooking. Detailing the cooking process/posting a recipe is encouraged (but not mandatory).
-Please use a tripname or some other way to distinguish you from the other contestants, like a gun or a jar of milk. Use the same name/signifier throughout the remainder of the competition.
-Just because you missed the first four rounds doesn’t mean you shouldn’t submit an entry! Eliminations begin after Round Five, and as long as your average score is high, you may move on to become one of the final fifteen.

Voting will be carried out in this thread. Please read the voting guidelines below.


Voting follows an 'Iron Chef' scoring system. This means you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the "best" dish.

Dishes are scored out of a total 20 points, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each); Presentation, Originality, Appeal and Challenge Goals. You may award 0's if you feel the contestant did not meet any expectations for a category.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)


Copypasta Scoring Format for Lazymodo

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

The Round Five Challenge Theme is:

Grilled! Time for a summer challenge. Your dish must be an entree, not a side, but can be meat or vegetarian, as long as it's grilled. If you don't own a grill, check out a public park, beach, or large apartment complex; they usually have free grills you can use.

***Submissions for Round 4 will be accepted for an additional day this time, since it seems like it took a few people more time than we thought to get their stuff together. We'll leave the thread (>>3709395) up for another 24 hours, in case you haven't had a chance to submit your entry, or vote for some of the later entries.
When you vote, please sage your post, so we don't have more than one Challenge thread on the front page. Thanks everyone!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cumulative Scores

High-averaging competitors who only participated in Round One are not being represented in this list.

The current contestants in the top fifteen are:

Derto !IKsWpMRP7A 
SCORE: 16.88

stfuboosie !!/MEZC9Vdvfg
SCORE: 16.75

John !96Ltn7sP..
SCORE: 16.66

(__)_) !!85yuEmNW1V4


SCORE: 14.3

Anon no. 556 !!tpdJH4SQ2sE
SCORE: 14.18

☢ !2fiREZiSTw


SCORE: 13.75

Nettle !JroEoSHCIc
SCORE: 13.75

CookMe !cblpeYjY3s
SCORE: 13.5

The Boyfriend !XAnCYOZBzk
SCORE: 13.4

swot !!LO4EUS7dUiU
SCORE: 12.88

***TIE FOR 15th

Smith the CIA Agent
SCORE: 12.2

SCORE: 12.2

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Round 3 Entries


**IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR ENTRY ON THE BLOG, send me an email [] and we'll get it posted!

stfuboosie !!/MEZC9Vdvfg

(__)_) !!85yuEmNW1V4 
Derto !IKsWpMRP7A
The Boyfriend !XAnCYOZBzk
John !96Ltn7sP..
John !96Ltn7sP..
Smith the CIA Agent
Anon no. 556 !!tpdJH4SQ2sE 
CookMe !cblpeYjY3s
swot !!LO4EUS7dUiU

Monday, July 2, 2012

Round Four

Round Four (July 1-15th) - Special TWO WEEK Challenge

-You MUST timestamp your entry photo. No timestamp, no vote. You only have to timestamp your completed dish photo, not multiple photos if you’re posting a set.
-The more photos you post, the better! We want to see your cooking. Detailing the cooking process/posting a recipe is encouraged (but not mandatory).
-Please use a tripname or some other way to distinguish you from the other contestants, like a gun or a jar of milk. Use the same name/signifier throughout the remainder of the competition.
-Just because you missed the first three rounds doesn’t mean you shouldn’t submit an entry! Eliminations begin after Round Five, and as long as your average score is high, you may move on to become one of the final fifteen.

Voting will be carried out in this thread. Please read the voting guidelines below.


Voting follows an 'Iron Chef' scoring system. This means you, the people of /ck/, will judge each entry individually instead of deciding on what you feel is the "best" dish.

Dishes are scored out of a total 20 points, based on 4 categories (worth a maximum of 5 points each); Presentation, Originality, Appeal and Challenge Goals. You may award 0's if you feel the contestant did not meet any expectations for a category.

-Presentation: The appearance of items on the plate; plating skills
-Originality: Creativity in composing the dish
-Appeal: How appetizing the food looks/whether or not the dish appeals to your personal taste as a voter
-Challenge Goals: How closely the entry followed the challenge goal(s)


Copypasta Scoring Format for Lazymodo

Presentation: /5
Originality: /5
Appeal: /5
Challenge Goals: /5
Total: /20

The Round Four Challenge Theme is:

Regional! This week we're doing something a bit differently; a Theme Challenge. Contestants will post in this thread, and cook in a style chosen by the last number of their post, as determined by the following list:

4-Central/South American
8-Middle Eastern
9-Australian/Pacific Islands

Some guidelines; we're giving you extra time (an extra week) to find your ingredients, because I know everyone doesn't have easy access to some things.
You can also play fast and loose with the challenge if you think you can get away with it; don't have an Asian grocery? Try making something in the Asian style, Deep fry something and call it American, etc. You have a bit more room for interpretation in this one.

And please, no rerolls when it comes to picking your region. Obviously some of the choices are more challenging than others, but that's what makes it interesting!

***While submissions for Round 3 are now now longer being accepted, we'll leave the thread ( up for another 24 hours, in case you haven't had a chance to vote for some of the later entries.
When you vote, please sage your post, so we don't have more than one Challenge thread on the front page. Thanks everyone!

*** About the changes - We agree with some of the suggestions, and the North American categories have been combined, and an Italian category added, everything else is the same as it was. Sorry about that!

Round Four Entries!